best back brush for shower

12 Best Back Brush for Shower [Reviews 2021] | An Ultimate Buying Guide

Maintaining good body hygiene starts with the material you use to clean yourself. A regular shower is recommended, with once or twice a day being the best option. There are several tools for cleaning our bodies that have been developed. Cleaning the back, however, requires one to have a good brush.

So which is the best brush to clean the back? This article is the best guide with which you need to make the best decision. It is equipped with modern information concerning the best back brush for a shower. Please read through it for more details on the same.

Top 8 Best Back Brush for Shower Comparison

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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Dimensions: 15.8 x 2.8 x 1.6 in
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Top 12 Best Back Brush for Shower Reviews in 2021

1. Redecker Bristle Bath and Back Brush

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It is a natural bath brush for a shower which will give your back a clean appearance. The brush is built with stiff and natural pig bristles that are rough enough for dirt and stains. Its tough bristles are soft enough to not harm the back whenever you are using it.

The brush is durable and it is excellent in repelling water. This brush does not absorb water, hence it is not easy for it to break down. Other brushes that absorb water breaks down easily and does not stand the test of time. The brush is resistant to water seepage and mold for excellent performance and durability.

It is easy to take care of the brush. When you are done with the cleaning your back, you should clean the brush as well and hang it to dry. To clean it, just dip it in warm water, apply soap solution, wipe it dry with a clean towel, hang it out and let it dry. Keep it in a dry place when it has lost all the water and moisture.

I do suggest and recommend this brush to anyone who wants to buy one.


√  It is easy to use and clean. The bristles attached to the brush are gentle for you but tough on germs.

√  It gives you a clean body with a singular wash in a day. The brush is easy to care for. Cleaning the brush itself is not a hard task, provided you have warm water, mild soap, and a clean, dry towel.


×  The bristles may be too stiff and need to be softened a little. Stiff bristles may not be friendly to some of the body fittings.

2.  Aquis – Exfoliating Back Brush for Shower.

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I do suggest that you consider buying this brush for ease of cleaning your back while in the shower. My experience with this brush was just an amazing one because it cleans out the dirt completely. The brush is efficient in maintaining the cleanliness of your back.

It has double handles that offer the best experience when using it. When you are done taking a shower, hang the brush to dry with the two handles attached to the brush. The handles of this are multipurpose.

It is durable since it is made of strong material. The brush does not absorb nor retain water and moisture. This makes the brush to smell fresh all the time. It also dries out quickly, hence it does not retain water which is a big destroyer to the brushes. I suggest that you go for this brush if you want to have many years of service with it.

It cleans out all the dirt even which seems to be stubborn. The brush is not harmful to the user since it does not have bristles. You do not have to worry, therefore, of getting hurt in the shower room.


√  The brush is ideal for washing the back. It has a tough surface which does not harm the user.√  The brush is easy to use, clean and dry. Fitted with two handles that are easy to hold. The same handles are useful when drying the brush.


×  It may not be compatible with bar soap. If you do not have a different kind of t soap, then it won’t be so useful.

3.  Premium Dry Brushing Body Back Brush Shower Set.

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When it comes to taking care of your body, this is the best back brush which I recommend it to you. It is effective in skin revitalization and getting off of tiredness. Whenever you use the brush during a shower, your body will feel relieved and relaxed. Feel energized all the time.

The brush is good at detoxing your skin all the time. This is because it gets rid of the dead skin matter. At the same time, it does not cause any danger to the new skin cells which grows all the time. Skin is quite delicate and needs a brush that takes care of it.

Restore your body’s natural glowing skin with the use of this brush. With constant use, the skin is always left refreshed all the time. The skin becomes healthy all the time because the brush leaves it clean after every use.

I suggest that you consider buying this back brush because of the satisfaction guarantee which comes with it. The guarantee lasts for up to sixty days.


√  Maintains the health of the body. The brush works well in eliminating dead skin matter and maintaining the new skin cells. It also revitalizes the skin every time you take a shower.√  The brush is so safe for the back and the skin. Take a shower relaxed without the fear of getting hurt by the brush.


×  Getting a replacement for parts is not being offered. The brush is sold as a whole meaning that even slight damage will need you to buy a full set.

4.  Shower Back Brush with Bristles for Exfoliating Skin.

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Treat your exfoliating skin with this brush. The brush has soft bristles that are ideal for exfoliating skin. These soft bristles are meant to get out the dirt from the body while maintaining skin health. I would recommend this product to you if you have sensitive skin. The bristles come with a variety of options that can be utilized depending on the level of sensitivity of the skin.

It is designed to work well with both wet and dry shower. The brush is double-sided with bristles on both sides. It is suitable to use when taking a shower while at the same time when giving a dry scrub on the skin. The brush is therefore excellent for use no matter the type of shower you are taking.

Clean all the sides of your back during the shower with this brush. It is designed with long handles so that you do not have to struggle to reach your back when taking a shower. The brush is also excellent when washing all the other body parts.


√  The brush is good for sensitive and exfoliating skin. With bristles which are, sensitive skins are well taken care of. You have the choice of the bristle to use because it is double-sided with different bristle types for the skin.√  The long handle is meant to ensure that you clean all the body parts without any strain.


×  It may not work well on the face. But you have to exercise a lot of care when clean the face.

5.  Loofah Vive Sponge Back Scrubber.

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If you want to easily get rid of dead skin matter, then this is the brush to go for while taking a shower. The head of the brush is made of soft material that is capable of dealing with dead skin matter. It is also excellent for sensitive skin.

This back scrubber is good also for smoothening skin surfaces which are rough. Such rough skin surfaces include the elbow and the feet. It might not be easy to smoothen such parts without the help of this brush.

It is fitted with long handles to enable you to reach all the body parts, especially the back without any problem. The construction of the brush also is made of strong and durable to guarantee you many years of service.

It is an effective device in cleaning the skin. I suggest that you give it a try and wait for the results. My experience with it has been great hence I do recommend it to anyone without hesitation.


√  This brush is effective in cleaning all the body parts, even though it is meant for the back. It has soft bristles to help clean exfoliating skin without any problem. It is also excellent in smoothening the rough skin parts.√ The brush has long handles. These handles enable you to reach and clean your back without any problem.


×  It is not a perfect brush for toileting purposes. When you use to wipe the bottom, then it needs a lot of washing to eliminate the dirt.

6.  Loofah Back Scrubber for Shower.

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This back scrubber is easy to use. With two handles at both ends, scrub your back without any problem. It is ideal to own one. Even when done with the shower, it is easy to clean and dry. Just hang it by the handles and let it dry as it awaits for the next session of showering.

The brush is a multipurpose item with two faces of different functions. On the front side are soft bristles which are good for exfoliating and sensitive skin. This helps in polishing the skin while preserving health. The rear side has some soft cotton which is used in smoothening rough skin surfaces.

Apart from cleaning the back, the brush is also useful in cleaning other body parts such as the neck. It is also excellent in cleaning hard to reach body parts as well as the shoulders and the feet.

Product made of high-quality loofah material.

The brush is durable and I do recommend it to anyone who is looking forward to owning one.


√  It is a multipurpose brush. This means that it does several functions without incurring a lot of costs. It is also easy to use and cleaning it is not a complicated task.√  The brush is useful in cleaning all body parts including the hard to reach ones. It is good for sensitive skin and smoothening rough body parts.


×  It is not entirely made of a loofah on its length.

7.  Bath Blossom Body Brush Back Scrubber.

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Owning this brush is like having twin brushes. The brush has a long bamboo handle which is efficient enough to reach the entire back while cleaning. Its long handle which is about sixteen inches is also useful in helping the brush to clean other body parts. Though meant for the back, it is not limited to that body part alone. The brush can handle all the other body parts.

It has bristles that are soft enough to deal with exfoliating and sensitive skin. Sensitive skin does not require a hard bristle brush to work on it.

The brush is very easy to clean and maintain. When done with taking the shower, you are just to rinse the brush with cold water and hang it up to dry.

It is durable and will it give you many years of service without wearing out.

The brush is excellent in promoting healthy skin. I have used it and I know that it is good. I recommend it to anyone looking forward to purchasing one.


√  The brush is good for sensitive skin. It has been designed to remove dead skin matter while at the same time preserving the fresh skin. Helps in promoting healthy skin.√  It has a long handle which makes the cleaning an easy task. Reach all the body parts when taking a shower.


×  Replacements are not being sold separately. Any small damage will lead to the purchase of the entire thing.

8.  Body Bath Back Brushes.

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A back bath brush which not only ideal for cleaning the back but the whole body. Given that it has a long handle, reach out to the entire body without stress. The brush makes the bathing time of a great experience all the time.

If your skin is exfoliating, then this is the best brush to have. I recommend it to anyone who needs to buy one. The brush leaves your skin healthy and fresh all the time.

It has soft bristles that are excellent in exfoliating the skin. Within months of using it, your skin will grow smoother than as expected. Make your skin glow with this brush all the time. This is by removing dead skin matter while at the same time preserving the freshly growing skin.

The brush is durable and will give you many years of service at minimum costs. It has a long handle too which does not break down easily. With such a handle clean all the parts of the body without a hassle.


√  It is an excellent brush in dealing with sensitive and exfoliating skin. The brush removes dead skin matter with continuous use. It is also a great brush is smoothening rough skin parts. This is because it is fitted with soft bristles.√  It is durable and will give you many years of service. It, therefore, helps in cost savings.


×  Some brushes may have irreparable defects at the point of sale. This may result in time and cost wastage.

9.  Loofah Sponge Swirl for Back Bath.

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For exfoliating skin, this dense shower brush is very ideal. It is strong enough to deal decisively with the dead skin matter of the exfoliating skin. While removing the dead skin matter, it is gentle enough on the soft growing skin.

For the love of beauty and a good sense of shower, the brush is blended with many colors. Make the bathing moments a fun time for all the family.

Cleans every part of the body with ease. It can stretch over the entire length of the body. Apart from cleaning the back, it is also good in cleaning other body parts, especially the hard to reach ones.

The brush is created for durability. This, therefore, means that you save a lot of costs which could have been incurred in buying many brushes. Even with vigorous use, the brush does not wear out quickly.

It is easy to clean. Wash it with a mild soap, rinse it and dry it using a rope after every use. I suggest that you try this back shower brush and see the results for yourself.


√  The brush is the best choice for persons with exfoliating skin. It does not harm the fresh growing skin. At the same time, it works hard to rid dead skin matter.√  It is durable and will give you many years of service and healthy skin.


×  Continuous use of the back brush may make it unravel after some time.

10.  DeLaine’s Exfoliating Back Scrubber.

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Having a brush which is eco-friendly after it has been used is the best thing. The brush is not harmful to the environment as well as your body.It is a brush which is easy to use and to clean. The brush can clean all the body parts without any problem. It has long hands which are of great help when cleaning especially the unreachable body parts. Cleans the skin and leaves it glowing and fresh all the time. It can be machine washed for better cleaning rather than hand washing it.

The brush is excellent for use with exfoliating skin. It is soft enough to take care of the freshly growing skin. On the other hand, it gets rid of dead skin matter with continuous use.

The brush is durable and can serve you a very long time, with correct care and protection.

At the point of purchase, the brush comes with an ecofriendly storage bag. It is therefore easy to conserve the environment by using this brush. I do recommend this environment-friendly to everyone.


√  It does not wear out easily. When it is fully used up, dispose it safely without the fear of harming the environment.√  It is easy to clean and can be machine washed for better results.√  Good for exfoliating skin, which may also be sensitive.


×  It may not be so useful for dry exfoliating. However, it still functions for that purpose.

11.  Vive Shower Back Brush.

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This is a back brush which is excellent for removing dead skin matter. It is good for exfoliating skin and fresh growing skin. It is double-sided which each side having bristles that are useful for different skin types. One side has hard bristles and the other side has soft bristles. You, therefore, have choices to make regarding which type to use.

With this brush, you can choose to either do a wet or dry brushing. This is actualized by it having bristles on both sides.

It has long handles which makes it possible for one to clean the back and other hard to reach parts of the body. The handles are strong and durable too. This means that the entire brush does not wear out easily. The handle is waterproof as well.

It is easy to clean when you are done with it. Just dip it in warm water, together with mild soap and hang it to dry. I suggest that you give this brush a dry, it will give you the best service ever.


√  Has bristles on both sides which can either be used for wet or dry brushing. It gives the user several options when comes to back bathing.√  Has long handles that enables one to wash the back and other unreachable parts which would otherwise be difficult to reach.


×  It may not be useful when cleaning the face. The bristles are a bit rough for the face.

12.  TopNotch Back Shower Brush.

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A brush made specifically for sensitive and exfoliating skin. With soft bristles, the brush gives pleasure to the skin while at the same time cleaning it. It removes dead skin matter and enables fresh skin to grow in replacement of the dead one.

The brush has a long handle making it possible for you to clean your back, neck, shoulders and all other body parts with ease. Given that the handle is made of plastic, it means that it is long. This is because it does not absorb water and moisture like the wooden handle.

Comes with attractive colors that will add some eye spice to your bathroom.

It is easy to clean and dry. Just by dipping it in warm water and with mild soap, it will be clean. Then it is hanged using an attached cord and left to dry. It does not retain dirt after the cleaning exercise. I do recommend it to anyone who would like to buy a back brush. My interaction with it gave me a very nice experience.


√  The brush is ideal for exfoliating and sensitive skin. It has soft bristles that deal firmly with the dead skin matter.√  Cleaning it is not a problem. This is because it is easy to do so, and does not take a lot of time. It is also long-lasting and can give you many years of service.


×  The bristles might be too stiff and need to be softened before use.

What should you look before buying the best back brush for shower?

When you get to the market to buy a product, you do not just take it off the shelve and pay for it. There are some things which you have to put into consideration. What are these factors? Here explained below:

Durability of the brush.

These back bath brushes come at some cost which might not be always low. In some cases, the cost might be so high. Therefore to counter this effect, you should always consider buying a brush which will serve you for long without wearing out. A good brush should be able to adapt to the environment of use and avoid wearing out after a short time of service.

It might not be possible however to know how durable a product is before testing it. Given that this might be your first time in the market, then you will need to do a lot of research. You can try to get the opinion of the people who have had the chance to use it. It is also advisable to look for information about the product in online spaces. Gather as much information about a product as possible until you get satisfied that you are buying the correct product.

The cost.

Before buying a product, always consider the product cost and other related costs. Related costs or incidental costs include things such as:

  • Shipping fee.
  • Insurance in transit.
  • Packaging fees and other costs that may arise out of the purchase of the product.

Even when considering the cost, it is always important to look at quality and reliability issues first. A product may cost high but of poor quality. Therefore, consider what the product is made of and how it works before having the cost as a determining factor.

It is always not true that the higher the cost, the better the product and vice versa.

The nature of the skin.

The skin of various people differs in terms of sensitivities and other special needs. Brushes are also designed for different skin types. If your skin is sensitive, then it means that you will need a soft bristle brush to clean it. A hard bristle brush will cause sensitive skin to react negatively especially after the cleaning. Get to know the reaction of your skin before buying a product. For sensitive skin, you can even buy a cotton head brush and clean it without a problem.

Warranty and guarantee.

It might be a little bit difficult to get such products which have a warranty. That does not mean that there are some covered by warranty. In the case the warranty is provided, then you will need to consider what the warranty covers. Warranty in so many instances does not cover wearable parts or even parts that have a short life span. You should, therefore, seek to understand the full extent of the cover to which your brush is provided. What if it is not provided, then what is the course of action?

On the other hand, in the absence of warranties, companies should provide guarantees on their products. While a warranty tends to cover a long period of time such as a year or so, the guarantee is a short period assurance. Many companies offer short term guarantees. Such guarantees usually cover periods such as from 30 days to ninety days and so on. It is during this guarantee period that defective items can be replaced free of charge.

You should, therefore, monitor your product to ensure that it has no defect before this period elapses. Failure to which it will be assumed that it had no defect after all. Before buying the product, make sure first if the guarantee is provided.

Ease of use and cleaning.

Do not buy a product if you do not know how to use, or if you do not intend to learn how to use it. This is because it may lead to wastages in terms of cost. Always go for a product which you can use with a lot of ease.

The brush which you buy should be easy to clean. If you do not maintain good hygiene of your brush, then it will not serve you as you expected.

Multipurpose use.

There are various kinds of brushes in the market. Some are single-sided while others have double sides with bristles on both sides. The double-sided brush offers you options when it comes to taking the shower. It may not be the best option for everyone to buy the double-sided brush, but it should be a good choice. Owning one will give you the chance to choose between a hard bristle wash and a soft one. This is so idea especially if having a skin which is not stable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 1.  If my brush is broken, do you supply replacement parts?

Well, it might not be easy to get a replacement part for a broken brush. This is because such brushes are always sold as a unit. It is difficult for example to detach a part which is broken and to be replaced with a new one. What happens in most cases is that a new brush should be bought instead. However, most of the brushes are made for durability, meaning that it might even be hard for them to break down. One, however, buys with defects, and in this case, it is due for replacement.

2.  My brush has a defect which I discovered upon receiving and opening the consignment?

Once you find out that the brush has a defect, do not use it. Put it back in its packaging and return it to the seller for a replacement. If you use it, then it will not be eligible for replacement again. You are advised to check your consignment more than once when you receipt it. Even the smallest defect is a serious defect that calls for replacement by the seller or the manufacturer. Return the consignment within the given timeline. If the timeline lapses before returning the product, the offer for replacement ceases too.

3.  Can a back shower brush be used to clean the entire body?

Yes, it is possible. It is not confined to be used to clean the back only. The brush can be used to clean all the body except for a few body parts. Such body parts are those which cannot withstand the roughness of the stiff bristles. A good example is the face. The face has organs that are a bit delicate and the hard bristles may harm it. However, it is not as bad as it sounds.


There are several brushes being sold in the market which are used to clean the back. Being so many as they are means that each has its own unique set of characteristics. Therefore it is always important to do a thorough market survey before making any investment decision.

This article, however, has covered much on what you need to know before buying the brushes. You should go through it and you will obtain the most current information about the brush. The information is correct and you can rely on it for any decision making. I suggest that you go through it even as you look forward to buying a brush.

Last update on 2025-02-07 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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